238 Recommit To Your Self Care Goals and Robin Bronk of Creative Coalition

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I’ve seen a common theme emerge repeatedly with my coaching clients of recommitting to our bodies and falling back in love with self-care. Energy, strength, and physical vitality are necessary for us to create the life we want, so what are the things that bring joy to you in your body? No matter where you are on your self-care journey, every moment is a blank-slate opportunity. You can recommit to wellness and your body right now. You deserve it!

Robin Bronk is CEO of the Creative Coalition, where artists are inspired to use their voices to make the nation better. We all owe the Creative Coalition a debt of thanks. Back in 1989, actor Ron Silver brought together a group of writers, actors, producers, directors, and designers from the entertainment world and founded the Creative Coalition. They are people who want to use their skills and savvy to stand up for the arts. Federal funding for the arts, free speech, and arts education are causes that the Creative Coalition supports.

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You can also listen in on your Podcast App, or hit play below!

Show Highlights:

  • How and why Robin became involved in the Creative Coalition

  • What the Creative Coalition does to help the arts thrive and flourish in our country

  • The fascinating phenomenon of an actor’s scope of influence

  • Our responsibilities within our community

  • How arts funding and education are beneficial to our kids

  • How the Creative Coalition presents the facts and figures in advocating for the arts before Congress

  • Why the arts should be important to all of us

  • How the arts open up a world of possibilities to all types of students while connecting them to other subject areas

  • What we can do to become better advocates for the arts

  • STEM vs. STEAM




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