245: Stay Healthy in Stressful Times with Michelle Aspinwall
All across our nation, we are consumed with staying healthy in a crisis, and we’re just in the beginning days of the coronavirus crisis. Even in the time of this pandemic, there are many things we can do to support our mental and physical health. We need to focus on the basics and return to the fundamentals. Think about what habits can keep you healthy and grounded. Remember that you are the author of your life, so pick up the pen and choose your path forward to tell your story.
Michelle Aspinwall is the creator and founder of A Skin. She’s a coach, speaker, author, and skincare creator, and like me, she has Hashimoto’s. She shares how she experienced a health crisis and became her own advocate. Michelle shares how to take care of your autoimmune issues in times of overwhelm, along with the mental and spiritual work in recovering from health issues. This is an inspiring interview about helping ourselves through transitions when the world feels upside down.
Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt – https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me
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Show Highlights:
Michelle’s journey to physical exhaustion and the struggle to get an autoimmune diagnosis
How Michelle did her research to understand hormones and how they work
How Michelle’s son’s eczema led her to develop her skincare company
What Michelle discovered about healing the body through understanding food and nutrient density
How Michelle had to fight and search to get answers
What menopause is (a “one-day party”) and the dark buildup to it
The portal of intuition that came to Michelle with the birth of her first son
How estrogen keeps us in certain “spaces” with its womb energy shift
The anger caused by the “power of the perimenopausal shift”
How to figure out what’s going on so you can shift it
How Michelle found a group of women who help her, a functional medicine doctor, acupuncturist, and Pilates instructor
The spiritual aspect of Michelle’s work, endurance, and recovery
Michelle’s essential spiritual practices: prioritizing how she feels, daily meditation, and dedicated face washing every night
A rule Michelle lives by: eating good quality food
A rule Michelle would like to rewrite: allow women to follow their desires and put themselves first.