78 How Women Can Play Big + Why It's So Hard, with Tara Mohr

 The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonHello my clan of the crave bears! Welcome back! On today’s show we are going to be talking about what our cravings are for speaking our truth. Our desires for sharing our big ideas and how challenging it is, especially for women. I know we got some cool dudes that listen to the show but this really speaks to the female issue of playing small.The next Cravings Cleanse is going to start on April 14th. I really want you all to be aware of it. I’m putting out a three-part video training series that you can sign up for. I will talk more about this next week. Make sure you are on my newsletter list at alexjamieson.com so that you get the announcement when this video training series is coming out. It’s going to be so awesome! I was talking to one of my cravings cleanse members from this last craving cleanse and she is having these feelings of overwhelm, like she has no time for herself. I told her that she needs me time like she needs air! But when you make this stand for me time you will be a better woman. And this ties in with the show today with Tara Mohr. We women are afraid to speak up and say what we need. We are so use to being that person that everyone else needs. It’s so hard especially as women which is why I wanted to have Tara Mohr on the show.Tara Mohr’s new book “Playing Big” is so good. I love this book! She is an expert on women’s leadership and well-being. She helps women play bigger in sharing their voice and bringing forward their ideas into work and into life. So the great thing about Tara Mohr is that I loved this interview so much and I loved her book so much that I said to her that I would love to give a free copy of her book to all my swag bag winners this year.

Win a Swag Bag worth $1000!

I have a huge announcement! I love giving away things that I love. So, all year here on the crave cast I have partnered with a dozen of my favorite product partners to put together for you on incredible giveaway every month. It’s the $1000 swag bag!It’s an incredible bunch of products and memberships that I have put together with some of my favorite people to give away to one lucky listener every month!So here is how you can enter in to win this $1000 swag bag:

  1. Go to iTunes put up a meaningful review about your thoughts about The Crave Cast, what you’ve learned, what you’ve loved, why people should tune in. or you can go to bit.ly/cravecast and leave a review.
  2. Once a month I will be picking one meaningful review, I’ll get in touch with you, will announce it here on the podcast and I will be sending you all of these incredible goodies. So be sure to enter the $1000 swag bag giveaway at bit.ly/cravecast!


You can Subscribe to the podcast on iTunesSoundCloudStitcher or TuneIn


"When you push against something you are stuck to it." - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)


Show Notes:

  • Inspiration for book
  • When do women feel more doubt?
  • Self-care habits
  • The inner critic
  • Forms of inner critic
  • Inner Mentor
  • Inner Mentor vs. External Mentor
  • Where the fear in women came from
  • Praise!
  • How to keep playing big

"Research shows that women incur social costs for advocating for themselves too strongly." - Tara Mohr (Click to Tweet)

Links Mentioned:



79 Master Your Inner Mean Girl with Melissa Ambrosini


77 Secrets of Better Sleep with Shawn Stevenson