01 Diane Sanfilippo - How to Bust Sugar & Carb Cravings Naturally

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonDiane Sanfilippo is a prolific writer, Paleo goddess and New York Times bestselling author of The 21 Day Sugar Detox, Bust Sugar and Carb Cravings Naturally.In this episode you will learn about Diane's path to nutrition, how holistic nutrition inspired her journey with Crossfit, and how her fascination with the paleo diet, food and health brackets inspired her to write a best selling book. 

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"People don't realise what sugar is." (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • The life changing light-bulb moment in San Francisco
  • Diane Sanfilippo's three favorite things
  • What Diane Sanfilippo's diet was like before studying nutrition
  • Managing physical cravings
  • How important it is to identify a craving
  • Why eating fat is helpful for sugar detox
  • Why burning fat fights back the 'hangry'

"I love teaching people about eating fat and why they're on that blood sugar roller coaster. Eating fat is one of the huge things that you need to do to get off that roller coaster." (Click to Tweet)

  • The tell tale signs that your body has had enough fat
  • How long does it take from being a sugar burner to becoming a fat burner
  • What support and results people can expect from Diane Sanfilippo's program
  • The importance of insulin reduction
  • Food freedom and having a healthy and balanced lifestyle
  • Learn how to join Diane's group on the first Monday of every month
  • Details of Diane Sanfilippo's new revamped Online Program

"Our body can run very effectively on fat for fuel." (Click to Tweet)

Links Mentioned:

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"I highly recommend getting a detox buddy, always more fun and more supportive." (Click to Tweet)Learn more How to Grow Your Intuition with this resource!!

Check this out Mighty Maca is what I take for daily afternoon energy!!


00 About Alex Jamieson and the Crave Cast


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