00 About Alex Jamieson and the Crave Cast

The Cravings Whisperer PodcastThis Crave Cast is a place where you can come to find the nonjudgmental support you need. It will help you sift through and discover what your cravings mean.This Crave Cast is my effort to bring the conversation forward. We're all unique, different and so very much the same.We all need to have a safe place to share what's true for us and discover the possibilities behind our cravings.

You can Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher or TuneIn

The Crave Cast is about the things we really crave in life. Health, vitality, joy, fun, pleasure, freedom… It's the art and science of getting the body and life that we desire and deserve.

"It's the art and science of getting the body and life that we desire and deserve." (Click to tweet)

Show Notes:

  • How growing up on an organic farm outside Portland, Oregon impacted Alex, the sugar junkie
  • The impact of sugar, caffeine and antibiotics in a high stress New York Lifestyle
  • Painkillers and prozac… really?

"I basically started going to church to eat cookies and drink the kool-aid." (Click to Tweet)

  • About the natural healing cushiness from around the world: Ayurvedic, macrobiotic (based on traditional japanese food,) raw food, allergy free cooking, cooking for people with cancer, candida and diabetes
  • The secret story behind Super Size Me
  • Transitioning from the strict emotional framework of veganism
  • The dissonance of vegan orthorexia and how it tore at my emotional foundation
  • How being honest with vegan health challenges changed the way I interacted with my audience
  • How following my cravings helped me address my sexual desires

 "I knew that taking those drugs wouldn't really heal me. They would just mask the symptoms." (Click to Tweet)

The Four Root Causes to All of Our Cravings:

    1. Emotional
    2. Physical
    3. Nutritional
    4. Bacterial

Links Mentioned:

    1. The Great American Detox Diet
    2. Living Vegan for Dummies
    3. Vegan Cooking for Dummies


 "Our bodies have layers and layers of desire. It's telling you your truth." (Click to Tweet)Learn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!!Check this out Mighty Maca is what I take for daily afternoon energy!!



03 Chocolate Meditation - Transfer Your Relationship with Food Cravings


01 Diane Sanfilippo - How to Bust Sugar & Carb Cravings Naturally