13 Bacterial Cravings - What is Disbiosis?

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonIn our gut, there are more bacterial cells than human cells.Did you know that?Ever been curious about good and bad bacteria?I've been exploring this subject for years and I'm here today to teach everything I've learned.One of the things I picked up is that disbiosis is often the root cause of all of our cravings…Yeah. It's a big deal.Thank you for downloading the show. Now let's get started with this episode on disbiosis.

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"Did you know that the bacteria in your gut weigh approximately four pounds?" (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • You'll be shocked at how many different species of bacteria are in our bacterial gastro intestinal system
  • The benefits of bacteria
  • What is symbiosis and disbiosis
  • What causes the bacterial imbalance in our bodies
  • The effects of over-prescribing antibiotics
  • Why we should look at alternative medicines

"We can't live without bacteria. They help us absorb and metabolise nutrients and digest our food."  (Click to Tweet)

  • A disturbing new fact... (hint: USA's huge rise in NSAID - Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Why bacteria loves a refined diet
  • How candida lives off sugar and what that means for your cravings
  • Why nutritionists can pin-point your symptoms
  • The benefits of ridding yourself of sugar
  • A healthy new diet and how it looks

"In a disturbed system and an un-well body, one particular bacteria can take over."(Click to Tweet)

Links Mentioned:

"Bacterial caused cravings are real." (Click to Tweet)

Learn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!!Check this out Mighty Maca is what I take for daily afternoon energy!!


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