12 Nadine Artemis - The Secret Health Benefits Essential Oils

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonMy dental issues were killing me. At the time it was the worst thing ever... but there was to be a silver lining...While searching for holistic oral healing products, I stumbled across Nadine Artemis.Nadine Artemis wrote THE book on holistic dental care. It is a comprehensive guide to natural, do-it-yourself, oral care. It is packed full of simple, do it yourself, home based dental solutions.To share her knowledge with the world, she created Living Libations.The more I learned about her work, the more fascinated I became. To my surprise, Nadine Artemis is a master of scent too.In this episode we learn why scent is a critical part of building a crave worthy life. Listen to this episode and let's get acquainted with our most neglected sense.

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"A drop of an essential oil is so multi-faceted. In that one drop there is just worlds upon worlds. It's a tiny microcosm."  (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • How Nadine's passion for essential oils helped her to recreate perfume
  • Lessons learnt from a global community of farmers and growers
  • About distillers and why she's worked with them for the past 20 years
  • Why Living Libations needs every country in the world to distill
  • The connection between distillers and the wine industry
  • Essential oils and their aromas
  • About the toxicity of the aromas in household cleaners and candles
  • The history of smell and survival
  • Smell messages and how to use them
  • How the birth control pill effects women
  • The benefits of pheromones
  • The disadvantages of using antiperspirants and deodorants
  • The importance of avoiding synthetic smell message
  • Say what?  Did you know that chemically 80% of taste is smell
  • What shocking new studies are showing. Huh, sperm can smell?

"Smell is one of the forgotten senses. Out of our 5 senses it's sort of the lowest on the totem pole."  (Click to Tweet)

  • On the sacredness of scent cultures
  • Alex and Earl Grey tea
  • A host of great tips on automatic oil therapy
  • The 50 culinary oils
  • Smelling essential oils as a method to quit smoking
  • The shocking truth behind the promise of beauty and what it's doing to our skin
  • Should I use soap on my face?
  • Learn more about your micro-biome
  • Tips for getting the healthiest skin possible
  • How to listen to the innate intelligence of the body
  • How oils and cells interact

"The average women is applying about 512 chemicals to her body daily in the name of beauty."  (Click to Tweet)

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"If we don't engage our sense of smell then we're not fully operational." (Click to Tweet)Learn more about 5 Ways to Master Your Inner Bitch Brain!!Check this out Positive Psychology Certification program!!



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