Do you act how you want to feel?

I hope your autumn is cozy and bright. The last two months have been incredible. I’ve been writing my next book, preparing for my first TedX talk, and have partnered with three amazing organizations for my big spring program (more on that later). While this is all going on, I’ve been working with my fabulous team to get ready for the 28-Day Enlighten Challenge, which starts Friday, November 29th – if you haven’t joined yet, you can sign up here for free: I’ve been working hard to get my message about using our cravings to create the body and life we want, so I’m not telling you all this to brag… I just want you to ask yourself: are you acting the way you want to feel?  See, I want to feel light, energized, connected, and like my work matters – every day. And my work, play and relationships are all geared toward helping me stay in that zone. You may be close to how you want to feel, or you may be a mile off. Wherever you are now, I want you to have the basic recipe for creating a live, and body, that feels amazing and true for you: 1.   Ask your body what you really want: In every cleanse or detox program I teach, the question of cravings comes up. People want to know why they always reach for sugar or fatty snacks, when they’re trying so hard to “eat right.” So I always ask this: how does your body feel now, and how do you want to feel? After a minute, they always say “I’m tired,” or “I’m thirsty,” or “I’m so stressed out at work right now.” See, we’ve gotten into the habit of using food to solve our problems, but it doesn’t really give our body what she’s asking for. So I want you to write down how you want to feel from the moment you wake up, through your day, to the moment you close your eyes at night. This might take some time, but it really helps you see what you need. 2.   Get your girls in on it: I used to try to do everything myself. I had a “I can do it!” or even more accurate, “I should do this on my own” kind of attitude. But then I had a kid…and a divorce… and a business to run. I realized my DIY habits didn’t have to mean “Do It Alone” and I started asking for help. And the more I asked my friends to help out, join in,  or just come along, the more fun I had and the more my life opened up. And the more I felt supported, the more strong and energized I felt. So look at where you’re turning down help. I’m sure there is some place in your life where someone has offered their energy or time, and you’ve said no. Can you invite that person back in? And make it fun to do it together? I’ll bet you can think of at least one… 3.   Keep it simple: You can’t think your way into feeling good, you have to feel your way into it. Start with what you’re doing right now. Sit up straight. Stretch your neck and back for 1 minute. Take 10 deep breaths.Most of the women I work with are so stressed and multi-tasking, they can’t feel calm even when it’s time to go to bed. By keeping it simple through the day, your life will feel more manageable and less overwhelming. This will help you eat exactly what and how much is right for you to feel lighter.   4.   See the small gifts & give them to yourself daily: Keeping it simple is making life feel lighter already, and you’ll have space to look around and see how your life is set up to support you…or not. When you manage one thing at a time, you have energy to make your life an art project that feels like a dream to live inside of. So do something small every day that feels like a gift to yourself. I like to take a walk around the block and get a cup of tea at my favorite café, sit and enjoy a beautiful piece of fruit, listen to a favorite song, snag a nap when I need one. These small things have helped me create a life, and a body, that I love. But you may not know where to start – like, which small thing should you do first? What’s really going to help you feel light? I’ve made this easy for ya… My 28-Day Enlighten Challenge is going to help you make the kind of life, body and energy you want. Small gifts, tiny changes, daily. You’ll be happily surprised with how easy and good you feel when we get started. And the first day is Friday, November 29th, so it’s time to sign up! Go here to sign up for the free Enlighten Challenge: In the comments below I want to know, how do you want to feel and what can you do now to feel that way? Can’t wait to hear from you on the blog, and play with you in the challenge starting next Friday! Check this out 5 Ways to Master Your Inner Bitch Brain!!Learn more about Fitness or Movement Inspiration with Erin Stutland + Shrink Sessions!Xo, Alex


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