Getting clear on your desires for 2014

It’s getting close again…The end of the year.And it’s time to look back, take stock, and celebrate!2013 was filled to the brim with awesome-sauce for me…and some really tough stuff, too. You probably feel the same. And while I love to plan, plot, and vision, I feel the need to do things differently as 2014 gets closer...Instead of committing to a long list of “to-dos” for 2014, I’m getting cozy with the idea of how I want to feel. What physical and emotional experiences do I want to feel in my life, my body, my business, my relationships? Doesn’t that sound more fun, more real, and more authentic than a bunch of goals? I’ve been tuning in to how my body talks to me about what I should feed it, how I should move it, when she needs rest, and more…you know, listening to my cravings and asking what they really mean. Sometimes she asks for sleep, sometimes, water, greens, bread, and sometimes meat. Sometimes she asks for some juicy one-one time with my man. And the more I listen to my cravings, the more I give my body what she truly wants, the better I feel, the bigger my capacity for living gets, and the more fun I have. I didn’t get here on my own. I’ve been reading and listening to other experts who study desire, cravings, neuroscience, visioning, and more to learn more about my experience of my body and my truth. One of those experts is Danielle LaPorte. Her book The Desire Map has been revolutionary for me, as it takes a new approach to identifying, connecting with and launching your desires. The Desire Map is a two-part book: the first part teaches Danielle’s message of desire’s true divine nature, and convinces the reader that giving your desires their due is a grand idea. The second part is a juicy workbook that asks you the questions you didn’t know you needed to ask, but are so glad to answer. After reading and writing about my core desired feelings, as Danielle has defined these basic desires, I feel deeply tapped into my self. My truth. I feel present and clear. And I think that’s what a coach and guide really needs to feel – clear, present, focused and authentic. Not only that, a coach and writer needs to understand their desires in order to help others learn to listen to their bodies. What do you need? What do you want? What really lights you up? Can you imagine what the world would be like if every person you knew was in touch with their feelings and desires? And held their desires as good and their bodies wise?  Here’s a look at my own desires:             Learn more How to Heal your digestion with my favorite probiotics!!   Do they resonate with you? Do you want to explore your own cravings? What are you doing to create more of those feelings in your life today?If this resonated with you, and you're looking for a new way to get in touch with your desires and love them as your best guides, go order your copy of Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map. Click and Check this out Positive Psychology Certification program!xo,Alex 


My TED Talk on cravings and learning to trust your body


How To Eat Lunch To Stop Afternoon Sugar Cravings