Have you heard? These women have their health figured out

I admit it: I want to be like OprahI’m loving doing the interviews for my Ultimate Health Master Class Series! Interviewing other people about their lives and motivations is one of my favorite things. Put me in front of a panel of experts and throw out the cue cards - I immediately get curious about what makes the "experts" tick and how they got to where they are.The first Ultimate Health Master Class interviews were so inspiring for me:Holli Thompson, a sister-graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, is an expert in uncovering your nutritional style. We covered the benefits of healthy fats in getting glowing skin (even in winter), and avoiding inflammatory food sensitivities.Latham Thomas, celebrity birth coach and yoga teacher, gave a beautiful, profoundly important lesson on "getting in touch with your animal." As a guide for people (ok, mainly women, but men can get this too) who are going through major physical transitions, Latham shared strategies on how to listen to your body and honor its call.This is the juicy stuff, people!If you haven’t already, I invite you to join in on the master classes (they're free to listen this week, folks!) – the guests are world-class and are really sharing their best tips and motivations with you on how to get back on the healthy horse this year.Today's Master Classes feature 3 profoundly important mentors and teachers in my life:Ariel & Shya Kane and Marc David.Ariel & Shya have been my personal coaches for several years and offer a new perspective on loving the body you're in, ending your negative self-talk, and having a life you love.Marc David is the award winning author of The Slow Down Diet, and founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. Marc's understanding of how we are being when we eat, and how we can stop the madness of dieting and get the body we love is unique and has influenced how I work with clients today.Get the full line up of experts and sign up for the entire series for free: Let me know your thoughts on the new mental paradigm these experts are offering here in the comments!Check this out 5 Ways to Master Your Inner Bitch Brain!!xo,Alex


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I believe in Miracles! And Gabby Bernstein shows you how, too