Healing Weeds: Not THAT Kind of Weed! Hemp History Week Give-Away

Winning a new yoga outfit is awesome, helping improve farmer's lives & protecting the environment is SUPER EXCITING!I want YOU to support Hemp History Week, and when you like and share this video I made, you'll not only support an important, growing movement in the USA, you'll be entered to win the cute yoga outfit I'm wearing, made of, YOU GUESSED IT: HEMP!

  1. Watch, share and win here:

Here's the situation:Hemp should be a legal crop in the US of A, and here's why:

  1. Hemp is NOT marijuana, it is a drug-free plant used for creating fibers and food.
  2. Hemp farmers in Canada make hundreds of dollars an acre more than American farmers who grow cotton, soy and otehr commodities, with far less toxic fertilizers and insecticides.
  3. The market for hemp products is an estimated $450 million dollars annually and growing. Even with Canada' entry into hemp production in the late 1990's, demand for hemp seeds and fiber is exceeding supply. U.S. farmers want an opportunity to grow this crop once again, and share in the rewards of hemp's soaring popularity.
  4. Hemp seeds and oil are a healthy food for humans to enjoy, adding complete protein and valuable Omega-3 oils.

 Convinced?So was I. That's why I am an official endorser for Hemp History Week, along with Dr. Andrew Weil, Alicia Silverstone, and more.

Please like and share the video, enter to win the hemp yoga outfit from Prana, and support Hemp History Week Here: 

Click and Learn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!!Check this out: Fix My Period (hormonal health/women)

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