Weeding Your Life

I’ve been stuck in a rut. But not the boring, nothing-to-do kind of space.I've been in the stuck-in-high-gear-and-overwhelm rut.You know what I’m talking about:

  • Too many responsibilities have you feeling scattered, when you just want to feel in-the-flow.
  • Too much stuff in your home leaves you feeling heavy, when you just want a peaceful sanctuary to escape to.
  • Emails, texts, tweets and online chatter creates a prickly sensation of static when all you really want is to feel connected.

All this overwhelm is killing you, my dear.The static feels uncomfortable, so you reach for the easiest, fastest thing to release the pressure, like popping a painful pimple to end the throbbing. That thing is sugar. Or dairy. Or coffee. Or chips carbs, fat or salt, or sometimes, all of these things combined in one bowl of chocolate-covered-pretzel-coffee-ice cream.And then you feel worse, instead of better.Heavy, rather than light and flowy.Angry and upset with yourself instead of confident and loving your body.Just another day in paradise, no?No.We are distracted, friend.We crave ease but we get lost in a cycle of burden and hardship.Distracted from what we really want by the things we think we should go for:

  • Instead of painting or writing, we work late for the extra hours to pay off the car loan.
  • Instead of communing with nature, you’re watching another hour of soul-sucking reality TV.
  • Rather than get juicy with your partner, or put yourself out there on a first-date, you fondle our iPad, go shopping for another pair of shoes, or dive into another bowl of Chunky Monkey.

All the stuff that takes up our life and precious energy is actually draining us and keeping us from the vitality and body we really crave.Have you ever spent time in a garden?Fingered your way through a patch of grass or flower bed to remove what was no longer needed or wanted, to reveal what was beautiful and simple?Weeding the waste reveals the simple beauty of the bloom.That’s a metaphor for life, lovely.Look at what your life consists of. The waste. What’s not really necessary? What doesn’t make you bloom? What foods are keeping you stuck in a downward spiral of “feeling dumpy and so-not-sexy?” What keeps you from doing what you really want and going after what you truly desire?It’s time to get ride of the excess. Dump the extras. Get clean and clear.Start weeding and let your life’s garden bloom.Check this out My favorite chocolate protein for smoothies!!Learn more about Positive Psychology Certification program! 


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