How much sugar are you REALLY eating? Startling pictures!

My clients are often surprised to find out how much sugar they're consuming throughout the day. Sitting down and looking at the added grams, teaspoons and different names for sugar listed on ingredient labels can be shocking. Understanding the full impact of added sugars on your body is necessary to changing and improving your body and energy. Because sugary foods often crowd-out nutritious foods, diets high in sugar contribute to osteoporosis, cancer, weight-gain, and heart disease. The USDA advises people who eat a 2,000-calorie healthful diet to try to limit themselves to about 10 teaspoons of added sugars per day. If you've ever seen Super Size Me, you know the average American does not eat a healthful diet, but consumes at least 20 teaspoons of added sugars per day.To help illustrate this information, I found these pictures floating around the internet - I don't know who to credit for them, but the person responsible deserves the Nobel prize for Reality! * EACH SUGAR CUBE = 1 TEASPOON OF SUGAR

Tofu Toast


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