Macrobiotics Saved My Finger!

I cook a lot. Sometimes my son cooks with me, and sometimes my son plays under my feet while I cook. Both of these scenarios are sweet and create wonderful memories, but sometimes kitchen work is dangerous.I was distracted this morning by a little person playing with magnets by my knees at the dish washer, and I slipped and cut my pinkie finger with my very sharp and very useful kitchen scissors. Blood started gushing from the deep laceration, and my first thought was:"This does not look good."It was so deep I briefly considered heading up to the emergency room to ask about stitches. But then I remembered and old macrobiotic trick that can help your body heal from a deep cut quickly and painlessly. It only requires 2 ingredients that you can find pretty easily online or in a health food store:Dentie Powder: A black powder made from ground sea salt and charred eggplant, this traditional tooth and gum cleaner can be dusted directly on a clean cut.Nori Paper: Yes, that lovely sea vegetable paper that we know and love to wrap our sushi with can also help heal your cuts! Nature's band-aid can help hold a cut together well.Here's how I wrapped my cut:1. Clean and dry the cut.2. Dust the cut with dentie powder:3. Wrap the cut with a small piece of nori4. Wrap the nori-covered cut with a clean bandage:Rock on! This really works well, and after an hour, the throbbing has stopped and I'm back to typing away.Just goes to show that food can heal your insides and your outsides!Be well,Alexandra


Cauliflower "Mashed Potatoes"


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