Mother Of Dragons 2.0: You be the Queen, I'll be Tyroin

This is a story about getting clear, focused, and fiercely committed to our desires. It's about finding your trusted advisor.

It’s a tale of getting the help we need, being the warriors we dream ourselves to be, and next-level creation, vitality, and satisfaction.

This is a story about becoming the Mother of Dragons 2.0.

Two weeks ago I spent two days with a well-known doctor in New York City. This woman is a long-time friend, and she came to me with a conflict:

She really wanted to create an online platform to collect her life’s work, her well-earned knowledge, and offer a trusted place to help more people.

She wanted to build her legacy.

Now I’m not a “marketer and branding expert” but I’ve been in business as a coach and writer for 18-years. I’ve launched 5 best-selling books, a podcast, an Oscar-nominated documentary, and more. I’ve helped dozens of women to clarify their work, and put their dream projects into the world.

So I invited her to a 2-day strategic immersion where we worked together to bring her vision to life.

It reminded me of my favorite character on my favorite show again! I began to think of Daenerys, Mother of Dragons, from Game Of Thrones… (to read my first story about me and Dany, go here)

In this epic tale, Dany sees that the way things are run in her world are backward. She sees people being taking advantage of, and wants to replace the old systems with a new way of doing things:

She has a vision of a world where things can be different and better. She has solutions.

But she knows she can’t rebuild this new world on her own…

Queen Daenerys knows she needs advisors. She needs a Hand.

This is what the most successful women I know do: we reach out for help, hire advisors, and look for people who know more than we do about what we want to create.

I’ve personally asked for help and mentorship dozens of time in my life:

  • When my hormones and thyroid were a wreck, I went to Arizona to see a special integrative doctor. My own health training wasn’t enough…
  • When I want to design an incredible brochure of my coaching services, or to design a book, I hire a graphic designer. I have a good eye for painting, but not graphics…
  • When it comes time to do my taxes, I turn to my amazing accountant. They have saved me so much time and money over the years...
  • When I need help growing my business, I hire marketing and business coaches. I know how to run a launch and build a platform, but there are technical and high-level branding strategies best left to experts.
  • When I wanted to learn a new way of watercolor painting, I hired a new teacher. (Can’t wait to share my new online art gallery - coming soon!)

Just like Daenerys, Mother of Dragons, I know that I need trusted advisors. Every successful, healthy women I know has a team of helpers, coaches, and mentors around her.

We don’t go it alone.

We select loyal, experienced people we trust to give great advice when we need to make tough decisions. Whether making a pivot in marketing, a career change, or asking for a higher salary, we need people to help us craft a conversation, game-plan a negotiation, or plot the launch.

Having a mentor with an experienced point of view to help sort through difficult decisions can make a huge difference for your career, your vision, your health, and authentic self-expression.

Here’s a powerful exercise you can use today, one that I lead my clients through in our Rich Creatrix Immersions:

It’s a spin on a simple to-do list, or a pro-con list. It’s a way to get clear of what you have, and what you need help with. (full disclosure, it’s inspired by Austin Kleon’s book, Keep Going.)


In the Thank you column, list your resources, strengths, people in your corner, even the amount of credit you have at your disposal.

Seriously: people borrow from the Iron Bank in Game of Thrones all the time. It’s how empires get built.

In the Please Help column, list the things you want help with, the dreams you’re itching to create, and the stuff you know you want a trusted advisor for.

Now it’s time to find your Mentor, your Advisor, your Hand.

I know what it’s like to want to create, heal, or change something in your life and not know what to do.

I know what it’s like to fear the wasting of time.

I also know what it’s like to have a trusted advisor who helped me make my dreams, hopes, and visions a reality.

And that’s exactly what I’m here for - to be your coach, guide, and mentor.

I’m here to be your Tyroin.

Download your Rich Creatrix VIP Brochure here, and hit reply to let me know you’re ready to talk with me personally.

I’ll email you back directly, and we will set up a no-pressure, private appointment to talk about what you want and how I can help.

xo, Alex

P.S. The 5-page brochure for my Rich Creatrix Immersions includes examples of women I’ve mentored and coached, as well as their own words of how our immersions helped them personally. Download and email me back here to get your Queendom rollin’...


How to Start... Again [Rich Creatrix]


My Mother Of Dragon's Moment: Unsatisfied With Smallness