My messy kitchen = psychological troubles

I admit it: I had some kitchen shame. I have an organization issue, and it was getting in the way!See, I “kinda know” where everything is when I start to cook – after all, I do the shopping and put away the groceries. Organize your kitchen to eat healthier! But I’m usually in a bit of a rush (mantra for 2014: slow down & breathe!)And tend to fling things into the cabinet or fridge. And then I realized how this “no big deal” way of being was hurting me. See, my kitchen started to feel cluttered and messy.Even when the counters were clean, I knew there was a disorganized mess awaiting me every time I opened the fridge. And having those unfinished, unmanaged, messes makes me uncomfortable.I started to notice I was a little stressed in my kitchen – which makes cooking feel not-so-fun. And when I feel uncomfortable in my skin, my whole being feels off.And when I feel off, my body craves something to make me feel better, or distract me from the real issue at hand. You may have felt this too: feeling uncomfortable or frustrated about something, and then your body starts to crave foods (usually fat, salt or sugar) to feel better? There’s actually a psychological reason for this: the Zeigarnik Effect. This effect explains how the brain is constantly annoying you when you have something unfinished in your life. It reminds you that something you were going to do isn’t done – and we experience dissonance. It’s human nature to finish what we start, and when we don’t finish, our brains poke us all day long, depleting our willpower and making us uncomfortable. Well, I’m dedicated to asking the real reason behind my cravings so that I feel authentic, connected and like I’m making progress towards my big motivating desires. And my real craving was for organization and clarity!But how to tackle the mess? I decided to get some help!I called my friend Jordana, an organizational expert (from with a great sense of humor, to come over and help me make sense of my kitchen. Jordana came over and we went through my cabinets and refrigerator, and we made a “How to Cleanse & Organize Your Kitchen” video! The video training will be a part of my upcoming Cravings Cleanse 8-week program, which begins in a few weeks (keep your eyes open!)… But I wanted to share with you some of the best tips I got from cleaning out and organizing my kitchen last weekend: (I’m so totally in love with my fridge now – I like to just open it an marvel!) 

  1. Take it all off (or out)

 When you reorganize your fridge (or spice cabinet – yikes!) take everything out first. This helps you see how much room you have, if you have any multiples of items (3 bags of hemp seeds, anyone?) and you can check the dates of everything. Throw out the expired, old food, and maybe take a wet towel to clean off the surfaces. 

  1. Don’t should all over yourself: Do what works for you

 One of the BEST things I learned from Jordana is to take the healthy veggies out of the crisper drawers and bring them to the top shelf where I would see them – and be more likely to use them!My newly organized refrigerator! Keeps me healthier I thought I “should” use the crisper drawers for veggies – but learned that I could do what worked best for me and my family. (Like leaving the fun, messy drawings my son makes on the front of the fridge, while cleaning out the inside of the fridge) Don’t hide the food you want to eat more of –put greens in life-prolonging green bags within easy reach. I made so much room on the shelves by storing bottled drinks in the drawers. 

  1. Don’t do it alone

 Calling in an organized, helpful friend to help me out was the best thing I could have done. See, getting started feels like the biggest obstacle. I didn’t know where to start! I thought I had to map it all out first! I had emotional attachments to old jars of mustard, but my friend didn’t! See, when you have a friend who you trust to help guide you through the process, you don’t waste time worrying and thinking. You just get it done. Now, I LOVE my kitchen!I was so inspired and felt free and clear last night, that I whipped up a huge spread for friends and we enjoyed a lovely meal outside. Cooking became a joy when my kitchen was organized. Are you inspired to organize your fridge?What will you do first?Check this out What do your cravings mean? Cravings quiz!Learn more about MCT oil for smoothies and brain health!!     


Why I believe in play - come camping with me?


What to do when you have a craving: Gut Check Meditation