Osteoporosis Fears? Win "The Whole-Food Guide To Strong Bones"

When I discovered my health was dramatically improved by following a dairy and meat free diet, I realized I had to learn how to cook all over again.I fumbled along experimenting with recipes, searching out cookbooks, and seeking teachers. I discovered a strong passion for cooking and health-supportive foods that I didn't know existed, and wanted to make it a bigger part of my life. I was lucky to find a world-renowned culinary school right in my backyard; attending the Natural Gourmet Institute, founded by Annemarie Colbin, in New York City marked the beginning of my culinary and health counseling career.Annemarie Colbin's newest book The Whole-Food Guide To Strong Bones is a treasure trove of tested information and recipes that guide the reader through learning about body chemistry, supportive foods for building a healthy skeleton, and foods that can actually destroy your bone health. If you are at risk for osteoporosis or other diseases of the bones, you must read this book. Women's modern lifestyle habits are often dangerous for our bones. This book offers easy to understand recipes, tips, and lifestyle suggestions for how to make your skeleton strong.Colbin's book brings together decades of holistic teaching and cooking knowledge to offer a complete program for stronger bones. You'll also discover how exercise and finding personal balance can improve your health and prevent fragility fractures, menopause-related bone loss, and osteoporosis. The book also includes many real-life examples and personal stories that help bring the information to life.This book offers a holistic approach to understanding:

  • What puts you at risk for bone fracture
  • Why medication and estrogen therapy may not work for you
  • How the nutrients in whole foods build bone mass
  • That your bones are living parts of your body, affected by what you eat

I reached out to Annemarie recently, and she was kind enough to offer a signed copy of her book to one of my readers!

I'll be choosing  a winner on Friday, October 1st, so leave a comment here on my blog about why you need to own this book!

(Look at my list of favorite cookbooks and books on health here!) Here's to your health,Alexandra


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