It's the final day of the #MindsetMakeover + I'm sharing my favorite tool from Positive Psychology.

The power of touch.

IMG_0558Touch is our 1st sense, and a HUGE ally in creating a healthy, flourishing life + strong relationships.In our modern culture we are TOUCH STARVED and often get very little physical interaction or affection. But we need it to feel well, whole, and connected.Baby animals that are removed from their mama or siblings don't thrive + develop emotional trouble later. It's the same for people. "Kangaroo care" is now used for preemie babies - skin to skin contact on an adult chest for hours a day helps tiny babies thrive + put on weight.We give lots of love and hugs, pats, and hand holding affection to our kids, because we know they need it to feel loved. But for adults it's harder to ask for touch, massage, hugs, or physical intimacy.But we think as adults we don't need as much love + touch. WE DO!

When we get enough touch, hugs + physical intimacy in our day, we are healthier, happy, and less likely to emotionally binge. Hug someone today! CLICK TO TWEET THIS!

Today I'm going to challenge you to get 8 hugs of at least 5 seconds each. A hug has the power to calm your nervous system, reduce blood pressure, and reduce emotional food cravings!

Thank you for taking part in this peek into 7-days of #positivepsychology with me. I'll be using MORE tools from this science based approach in my next 8-Week Cravings Cleanse, which opens for registration Friday!

#healthyeah #mindset #positivepsychology #fun #friends #hugs #health #inspiration #instagram #instagood #healing #touch #love #cravings #cravecast #crave #desire


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Show us your strengths! Mindset Makeover Day 6