Pretty Holiday Hummus: Beet It Up with Beet Hummus

Holiday food should be pretty. So this dish rocks.

Especially if you've discovered that you have to cut out a ton of foods to get or stay healthy.We just discovered that our family has to avoid gluten + eggs + soy (me and the boy), whey from milk (me), and corn (the kid).So, yeah. That's a lot of ingredients we'll be avoiding!BUT, I always loved a good challenge, especially in the kitchen.AND, one way to ensure optimism + resilience is to look at the cupboard as half full, and expect the best, rather than getting depressed + overwhelmed by saying goodbye to certain ingredients.I'm putting on my big girl panties, looking on the bright side, and putting all my energy into making delicious, nourishing foods that everyone can enjoy at the table.One of the first places to start is with super easy, super tasty, no-fail hummus.Ok, so most hummus is already gluten-dairy-soy-corn-free, but when I saw a picture of this gorgeous dip, I couldn't resist making it in hopes of livening up the impending Christmas table.

Ruby Red Beet Hummus

  • medium beet (1 cooked a whole bunch at once to have for later)
  • 15-ounce BPA-FREE can (1 3/4 cup) of garbanzao beans, drained
  • clove garlic
  • 1 tiny pinch cayenne
  • dash paprika
  • 2tablespoons lemon juice
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste

How to make the best hummus ever:

First, roast the beets: Preheat oven to 400F. Clean, scrub, and cut off the stems and root end. Loosely wrap individually in foil, place on a roasting pan. Roast for 50-60 min. They're ready when a knife can be easily inserted.(might as well wrap a head of garlic and roast that, too - I mean, who can ever get enough roasted garlic?)roasted beets        While you're waiting, take a nap or watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix.beets now          When the beets are done, slip the outer peel off. Your hands will get red, but you'll look pretty bad a$$.Combine all ingredients into a food processor. Add water or additional olive oil until desired consistency. You want this to be creamy + smooth.beet hummus        Add salt and pepper, about 1/2 teaspoon at a time.Serve with gluten-free crackers, yo! Or just eat it with a spoon, like I did.This is a great cooling recipe for Firebrand cravings types if you add a 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, a traditional hummus ingredient (AKA Pitta in Ayurveda). The cooked beet is good for Featherweight cravings types, and this recipe is great for Earth Mamas, but go light on the added drizzle of olive oil.Don't know your Cravings Type? Take my quiz and get your free Cravings Type Report here:

Happy Holidays, all! Eat to be happy + healthy...xo, Alex

Check this out reating healing rituals with food!!Learn more about Fitness or Movement Inspiration with Erin Stutland + Shrink Sessions!!


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