07 Ten Questions - Discover the Secret Meaning Behind Cravings

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonHave you ever wondered about the secret meaning behind your cravings?Do you crave sex? Money? Sugar?In this episode I'll describe why my clients call me The Cravings Whisperer.As the Cravings Whisperer, I help people see the real meaning behind sabotaging food cravings. We dig deep into our physical, nutritional or emotional cravings to help unwire the mess and discover the secret meaning behind cravings.Thank you for listening. Now let's get started.

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"If you hate your cravings & your body, you're cutting off your biggest ally to getting the life and vitality that you want." (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • The power of cravings and the messages of desire from our body
  • Understanding the secret meaning behind cravings
  • Why your body and mind is a self-regulating system in homeostasis
  • Asking deeper questions and how to change habits
  • Allowing your body to take care of you if you consciously let it
  • Befriending your body
  • Detachment is refusing to be an active partner with your body, it's routed in self-judgement, shame and guilt
  • Why feeling bad is your bodies way of helping you feel good
  • Maintaining a constant conversation with what your body is asking for

"You can ignore your body, but your body will never ignore you." (Click to Tweet)

10 Questions to Discover the Secret Meaning Behind Cravings:

  • What are the 3 root causes your cravings touch and what is it?

If you are lacking mineral rich foods then you will have nutritional cravings and could be craving salt. Emotional cravings result in depriving your body and not taking in enough calories. This will make your body crave fat. Physical cravings cause stress which will make you crave sugar.

  • How do I want this craving to make me feel physically? What is your 'Big-Mode' (Big Motivating Desire) and how do you want to show up.  How do you want to physically feel?

Example: Long lasting energy and focus. How is your craving going to serve the overall feeling you want in life?

  • What is this craving here to teach me?

What can I learn about how I'm feeling right now? How have I been acting, have I been depriving myself, do I need to eat more or less, is something not serving me?Look and Listen, be really honest and clear when asking yourself and don't judge yourself by whatever you notice.

  • How does my mind react when I have this craving?  Are you judging yourself?

Notice what your thoughts are about this thing. Is it even true? 40% of what we do and say everyday is habit. Question. Is this true or is this yours (or somebody else's) habit.

  • What do I think about myself as a person when I have this craving?

Does this craving define you? Do you call yourself names because of it? Notice. How do you feel about your body? Is it wrong, bad or the enemy?

  • Where do I feel this craving coming from in my body?

If it's not very obvious, close your eyes to tune in more to the physical sensations. Dig deep to figure out if it's in a specific part of your body and understand if it is a thought or a physical sensation.

  • Can you describe this craving?

Be as detailed as possible. Use colors, textures, temperatures, flavors and anything you can to be specific.

  • How would I feel if I ignored this craving?

If you didn't follow through with this craving how would you react. Would you be rebellious or would you feel good. What is the possibility of your craving being the opposite of what you want?

  • What would feel good to me now? Will this craving help me maintain or get closer to my Big-Mode or the way that I want my life to feel?
  • What would happen if I did nothing. If I just sat. How comfortable am I not doing anything?
  • What will I do now? What will I crave now?

"Your body is always telling your brain what it needs.  This is a craving." (Click to Tweet)

Links Mentioned:

"No-one has taught us how to listen to our Cravings from our bodies." (Click to Tweet)

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