Shining Love in the Face of Hate

I don't usually post about mass shootings. Words and reports are already everywhere, what could I have to say that isn't being said a million ways?But our human community is hurting so very much. 50 people dead in Orlando this week because of hate. Hundreds more lives destroyed in the face of death and loss. My heart is breaking for the family of those killed because of hate.It's so easy to meet hate with hate. I feel it in me now. Hate, anger, and a desire for vengeance.This mass shooting in Orlando comes on the heals of a young man receiving only 6 months after raping a young woman.... More anger. More hate.While a young Dutch woman sits in jail in Qatar because she was raped... More anger. More hate.But I know, because history tells us so clearly, that acting out in a hateful way in the face of hate leads to more damage, more violence.So today we try to dig deep and shine LOVE in the face of hate. Try and reach across the aisle and meet our enemy with love and fierce compassion even when the hate burns so bright.How can we transform the world into a safer, more loving place with more hate? It won't work.Love. Love for self. Love for others. Fierce, burning, unrelenting love.It's the only way forward. Today I will shine my love in the face of hate.Sending my love out to you and yours,Alex


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