Want some Mighty Maca? Enter the #20til40 give away here!

Energy.That's one of the biggest cravings we modern women (and men) report - we want more vitality! And we DON'T want to be caffeine addicts to get it.I'll be 40 in a few days, and lasting energy is a big goal for me - that means I get 7-9 hours of sleep, don't drink much caffeine, and move every day.But sometimes I need more, especially when I'm traveling, creating a new program, or just being a full-time mom.One of the best food-based supplements for energy that I've found is Might Maca Greens - and I'd love to send you a nice big container as a gift!Win Mighty Maca from @delicioualex for all day energy! What is Maca?Mighty Maca has, well, MACA in it! Maca is a super-root that grows in the high Andes of Peru. It was used by the ancient Incas as both food and medicine.Key Benefits
  • Improving mood
  • Boosting energy (naturally)
  • Enhancing libido
  • Improving fertility (for both men and women)
  • Relieving PMS symptoms.
  • (For more benefits see MightyMaca.com


  • Mighty Maca includes 15 other superfoods that can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, boost immunity, aid metabolism, detoxify the body, and more:
  • Spirulina (rich source of protein, Omega-3s, vitamins, and trace minerals)
  • Mangosteen (tropical fruit that is a source of 40+ anti-inflammatories)
  • Acerola (containx 30x the Vitamin C that oranges do)
  • Beta glucan (cholesterol lowering fiber found in oatmeal)
  • Cat's claw, AKA una de gato (potent healer)
  • Resveratrol (powerful antioxidant from grapes)
  • Quercetin (powerful antioxidant from the Japanese pagoda tree)
  • Milk thistle (detoxifies the liver)
  • Flax seeds (#1 plant-based source of Omega-3s)
  • Turmeric (powerful anti-inflammatory, commonly found in Indian food - it's what makes curry yellow)
  • Kelp (great source of iodine and trace minerals)
  • Green tea (plentiful source of EGCG, a powerful flavonol)
  • Cinnamon (associated with lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and insulin levels)
  • Licorice (used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of illnesses)

Enter to win your Mighty Maca from Dr. Anna Cabeca, creator and founder of this delicious green food! 


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