156 Women’s Retreats for Total Transformation


Last week was the major solar eclipse.  Alex was leading a private two-day retreat for one of her private VIP clients at the time, doing some really deep work. The vibe, as they got closer to the apex of the solar eclipse, got really intense and weird and they both felt that the energy during those two days had become heightened. It was a really powerful experience and things became super clear, super fast and by the end of their two days together, her client really felt a life changing shift. She felt like a new person, reborn! So, if you’re thinking of going away on a retreat, or working with a coach, Alex really encourages you to do it now, as she sees this time as the right time to do it.

The day after the retreat, Alex packed up and got into the car with a couple of girlfriends and they drove upstate, to the East Coast Soul Camp. (We’ve had the founders of Soul Camp on the show before.) There were over two hundred and fifty women (and a couple of cool dudes) there, at a camp in the woods, just like Summer Camp. It was a really fun opportunity for Alex to try Summer Camp, something she never got to do while growing up. She led three different workshops there, one of them being a Bad Art Party, where there were some rules, like don’t think – just make, or just make something new every five minutes. It was really awesome! She got some really fabulous feedback, with people saying that it was the most fun that they’d had in years! Getting into a creative space is such a valuable tool and it can really help you to get unstuck, or to stop ruminating about work or relationship issues. Alex finds it better to get into that space with other people, so that’s why she’s started having Bad Art Parties earlier this year, at her house, to just pointlessly drink tea and make stuff.

Listen in now, to hear more about what you can achieve while making things with your hands together with other women and really opening up and talking about things, in a different way.

Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt – https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me


You can also listen in on your Podcast App, or hit play below!

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Show Notes:

  • What Alex discovered through making herself vulnerable with a group of women, at her Bad Art Party.

  • The fears that so many women have about being in a group with other women.

  • Why you should really consider having a Bad Art Party.

  • What they spoke about at Alex’s Reclaiming Our Feminine Power Workshop, that she did at Soul Camp.

  • The damaging effect that our old, negative ideas have on our bodies and our emotional state.

  • What you can gain from being part of a multi-generational group of women.

  • Alex’s upcoming Soul Food Retreat, in Northern California, in early October at 1440 Multiversity. (Look it up at www.1440.org)

  • The awesome people who are doing programs at 1440 Multiversity.

  • A common theme, around boundaries, that Alex has seen with the women that she coaches.

  • Alex’s definition of boundaries.

  • People will always test and push your starter boundaries – it’s part of the process.

  • The kinds of boundaries that you could develop.

  • How to discover what’s true for you.

  • How coaching can really help you to develop boundaries with anyone.

  • Alex is accepting applications for her VIP high level, action ready clients, for her ten months of coaching.


Go to www.alexandrajamieson.com/private-coaching to apply for Alex’s Body And Soul Transformation Coaching.

Today’s Sponsor: Simple Loose Leaf Tea! I love their products and you can explore the world of tea with their monthly tea box!

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157 Your Quest for Personal Growth is Not Irresponsible


155 Reclaim Your Time